How to Set Up a Kindergarten Schedule for Homeschooling
Last Updated on January 22, 2024 by Allison Lancaster
Creating a kindergarten schedule for homeschooling can seem like a daunting task, however with a little planning and a lot of flexibility, you can set yourself up for success. Making a schedule is so beneficial because it gives structure, consistency, and routine to your day. I’m excited to share with you some of my best tips for setting up a kindergarten schedule for homeschooling that works best for both you and your child!
Look at Your Typical Daily Routines
The first place to start is to take a look at your typical daily routines so that it feels natural for your child. When does your child wake up, eat snacks, rest, etc? When are they grumpy and irritable? When does my child have the most energy? Your kindergartner is going to learn the best when they are well-rested and full, so plan your teaching around those times. Take a look at your own routine as well as any siblings or other family members – this helps keep everyone on the same page.
Choose Your Subject Areas
What subjects do you want to focus on this year? What are your goals? If your state mandates a specific curriculum, then try to stick with that since it’s most likely created by experts. If not, then think about the areas that your child must learn, like math, reading, and writing. Then, consider subjects you would like them to learn. Prioritize these subjects in order of importance and make sure your “must learn” areas are on your schedule at least twice a week.
Use Daily Activities as Learning Experiences
Homeschooling allows for the use of real world learning experiences, so incorporate these into your schedule. These experiences can be things like learning to cook, clean, do laundry, take care of a garden, take care of pets, and more. Even if you’re using a curriculum, these real life experiences are great ways to teach your child everything from new vocabulary words to measuring skills in the kitchen.
Provide Opportunities for Movement
Breaks are important for every child, but especially for your kindergartner. Provide lots of opportunities for movement and play outdoors. Kids learn much better when they are able to expel some of that energy! Also, take a day off and visit outside places. In homeschooling, you can visit the museum, science center, zoo, or any other educational place for the day – this is a great learning opportunity and also gives your child a break from the typical schedule.
Be Realistic
The main key is to be realistic and flexible! Yes, it’s important to have a kindergarten schedule for homeschooling in place, but you also must read your child’s needs. If you miss math one day, it’s okay. If you are doing something that takes longer or shorter, free play can fill in at times. Life happens, so try to think of it more as a flexible routine than a strict schedule. You and your child will enjoy homeschooling more when you can adapt to new situations and allow for change.
Homeschooling gives you the freedom to create your own schedule, so use this to your advantage and set one up that works best for you and your family. Change your schedule when you need to and find what makes your days run smoothly. The most important thing is that your child is engaged in learning and happy!