30 Things Ive Learned in 30 Years 1

30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years

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Last Updated on January 22, 2024 by Allison Lancaster

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I’m officially THIRTY. The big 3-0. Crazy! It feels like just yesterday I was looking forward to my 21st birthday. I always felt like 30 was so far off, and I thought my life at 30 would look so different than it does now. However, I am so unbelievably blessed that my life now doesn’t look like I thought it would, but it is so much better. I have an amazing family, an amazing career and wonderful friends. I truly could not ask for more. I have learned so much about life and myself in the past 30 years, but especially so in the last 10 years. Today, I wanted to share a few of those life lessons with you!

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30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years

Things will always work out. Maybe now how you planned, but they do work out.

The beach heals almost everything, at least for me.

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Travel before you have kids, while you’re pregnant and after you have kids. You won’t regret it.

Social media is not the whole picture, or even part of it, but the highlight reel

Do more things that make you forget to check your phone

People are always watching, even if you don’t think they are. They are watching how you react, how you carry yourself, how you speak and what you do.

What people think doesn’t matter, as long as you can wake up and look yourself in the mirror and be happy with your decisions.

If at all possible, don’t burn bridges, you never know when you may need to cross them again. However, sometimes it is necessary to burn bridges and once you do- don’t look back.

People can be hurtful when they’re hurt, try to get to the root of the issue before lashing out. It only prolongs the problems and hurt all around.

Not everyone has the same opportunities in life, however everyone does have the ability to work hard

Just because your circle is small doesn’t mean that they are any less important than a large entourage. Honestly, a small circle of people that you can trust is worth more than 100 ‘friends’ who aren’t loyal

Dating and relationships shouldn’t be the sole or even main focus of your teenage years, that is the time to build friendships and cultivate relationships with your family.

Things that were seemingly important and that you spend a ton of time worrying about will truly be put into perspective when you have a baby in the NICU or a family member that is sick.

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Before you go in debt for something, ask yourself if you will be able to enjoy that ‘something’ as long as it takes you to pay off that debt. If the answer is no, don’t finance it!

Pay yourself first, put money into savings each paycheck before you do anything else.

Spend some quiet time each day, whether that means praying, reading your Bible or simply just closing your eyes and meditating on the day – quiet time is a necessity.

Babies don’t keep, breathe in their smell, cherish every smile and during those difficult days/nights keep reminding yourself that ‘it won’t be like this for long’.

Live within (or under) your means, no one that truly matters cares how big your house is/what car you drive.

After having babies, don’t forget that your husband needs you to. Even if you’re exhausted mentally and physically, sometimes he just needs a hug or a kiss and to know that you still ‘see him’.

Spend time with your parents and grandparents each chance that you have. Ask them questions, learn from them.

Family truly is everything.

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When you love what you do, and work with all of your might for it, things start to happen and your passion for what you do shines through to your clients.

Self care is important and something you should never feel guilty for

Going out with your friends is important even after you’re married with kids, dinner, a movie, bowling – whatever it is, just do it! (See below for more on this one!!)

Things will change as you grow, but it’s important to not be afraid of or resist change. When you embrace it, amazing things can happen!

Take a leap of faith. Don’t be dumb about your decisions, but take a leap of faith…that could mean something as big as moving or as “small” as cutting your hair.

Spend time outside, every day, if possible.

The sooner you learn about curbside grocery pick up, the better. It saves you money and time.

Don’t expect the first year of marriage to be the best. Honestly, it will likely be the most difficult. It’s a time of adjustment and getting to know each other better than you ever thought you would.

Love yourself, be kind to yourself. When you learn to have a good relationship with yourself, everything else will fall into place!

Speaking of going out with your friends, that was one of the things that I wanted for my birthday! With two little ones at home, going out to dinner sans kiddos isn’t something that we do often. Thankfully, my parents are angels on earth and they babysit whenever we need a night out. The weekend before my birthday, we asked them to babysit so that we could go out and celebrate my birthday with my best friends. We decided to head to Drake’s Bristol – the newest restaurant to hit our area and one of the ones that I keep hearing rave reviews about! I had been dying to try Drake’s, so we did for my birthday.

Drake's Bristol TN Menu Fall Specials Menu and Entree Menu

Drake's Bristol TN Fall Apple Drink

It was the day of the season opening game for the UT Vols – our absolute favorite college football team. Drake’s had the game on their big screens and the place was packed as we walked in. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by staff who directed us to where a few open tables were and we were told to take our pick. We started with fried pickles as an appetizer, and they were delicious! They were actual pickle spears and they were delicious! Not too greasy, deliciously seasoned and perfect. We also indulged in some of their seasonal drinks. Personally, I tried the Mean Apple and Drake’s PSL (come on, you know I had to try the PSL!!). Both were delicious, the PSL was like dessert after dinner! We all tried various entrees. Personally, I had the mini cheeseburgers and they were amazing! You can tell the burgers are fresh – and they are delicious. Not only was the food delicious, the atmosphere was so fun. It was the perfect combination of fun, food and friends. They even had a DJ, which at first I thought, “this is going to be loud”, but it totally wasn’t! He played great music while the game was on rain delay or commercial. We had such an amazing time at Drake’s Bristol and I truly cannot wait to go back!


Drake's Bristol TN Mini Cheeseburgers Drake's Bristol TN BBQ Chicken Flatbread Pizza Drake's Bristol TN Quesadilla Drake's Bristol TN Beer Cheese and Bacon Burger

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