It Is Well With My Soul

It Is Well With My Soul

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Last Updated on January 22, 2024 by Allison Lancaster


If you have been in church, our around hymns for any time at all, you have likely heard the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”. The hymn was written by Horatio Spafford. His life was a series of horrible events, including the loss of multiple children. He lost four daughters at one time, when they were on a ship that sank, his wife was the only survivor. He lost a 2 year old son and then another son at the age of 4 to scarlet fever. Horatio Spafford lost everything that he had in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Needless to say, this man lived a horrible life.

When did he write “It Is Well with My Soul”? When he was traveling to be with his wife, after the horrific death of his four daughters. His ship sailed near the place where his daughters died and he wrote “It Is Well”. Amazing. How could this man continue to say “It Is Well With My Soul” after so many horrifying events? What an amazing faith.

This hymn has a special meaning to me as well. It was played at my grandmother’s funeral several years ago, and is inscribed on her headstone. Indeed, it is well with her soul! 

'It Is Well With My Soul'

Our family has been through alot in the past 6 months. Well, really, in the past 4 years. I will share with you a few of the things we have experienced.

We have experienced the loss of my uncle due to wreck caused by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

We have experienced the loss of a childhood friend of mine, at the age of 19.

We have experienced the loss of my husband’s aunt, who was like a mom to him, very unexpectedly.

We have lost both of my grandparents (my mom’s parents).

We have experienced layoffs and job changes.

We have experienced very difficult family situations.

We have experienced an unexpected hospital stay, difficult labor and emergency C-section to get our son here safely.

We have experienced a 14 day NICU stay with our newborn son, after watching his breathing get more and more shallow 24 hours after he was born. He was then diagnosed with pneumonia and put on IV antibiotics, oxygen and fluids.

We have experienced the transition from married couple to family.

We have experienced my husband pastoring his first church, and recently, the Lord’s calling to return to our home church.

We have experienced my momma’s cancer diagnosis, and thankfully-her healing.

We have experienced alot these past 4 years of our marriage. 

I am not saying any of this to ask for your pity, or to say how difficult times have been.

What I am saying is, though it has been difficult, though I have not always kept the faith like I should, I can say for certain–It Is Well With My Soul!

Throughout all of the hardships, heartaches and ‘sea billows rolling’ the past few years, one song has always played in the back of my mind…‘It Is Well With My Soul’. It is! I can’t imagine the feelings that the songwriter was experiencing writing this song…the death of 5 children…4 of them at the same time. Wow. And I thought my life was hard sometimes. 

I am so thankful for the ability to say “It Is Well With My Soul”. I know to Whom I belong. I know that this world is NOT my home, I am just passing through. I know Who controls the storms of life. 


Although I have always carried this song in my heart, I have looked everywhere for a reminder of it to carry with me daily. I have found various pieces, but nothing ever really seemed to fit. Until, I ran across this necklace by Redeemed Jewelry. I am in love with this necklace!


First, their customer service is amazing. The necklace arrived in a cute little envelope with this ‘made with love’ sticker on the back–the package brightened my day before I even opened it! 


Second, can we talk about the necklace itself? You can tell it’s great quality. You know how some jewelry just ‘feels cheap’? Well, you won’t get any of that from Redeemed Jewelry! The quality of this necklace is amazing. I wouldn’t hesitate to give any of their necklaces as a gift for Christmas, birthdays and even Mother’s Day.

If you are looking for the perfect piece of jewelry to remind you that ‘It Is Well’, I highly recommend Redeemed Jewelry!

It Is Well With My Soul pendant on necklace

Redeemed Jewelry’s Facebook

Redeemed Jewelry’s Instagram

Redeemed Jewelry provided me with a product to review. The opinions I shared about this product are my own, and Redeemed Jewelry did not tell me what to say or how to say it.

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  1. I have always loved the story of Horatio Spafford. I can remember the first time I heard it. There was this experience of sadness for the times that I let my situation get me down instead of just trusting in God while at the same time a joy that He’s always present. No matter what comes my way, I know I can say that it is well.

  2. The jewelry looks beautiful! And you have gone through a lot. What a testimony to the Lord to be able to say He has carried you through.

  3. Yes! Love this! We can go through trials and know God is still God and He is still good.

  4. And what a beautiful song – and a beautiful reminder as to the goodness of our God 🙂

  5. This is so beautiful. I love the necklace and that you have a story to go with it as well.

  6. My husband has told that story many times and I never get tired of it. It’s refreshing to see a young person who has gone through some really hard times, affirm that it is well with their soul. I prayed God would bless you and your sweet family.

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